Six Ways to Conquer
the Fear of Beginnings
By Sara Debbie Gutfreund
The marathoner standing at the start line anxiously awaiting to hear the gun
go off; the writer facing a blank page; the student opening the doors to a
new school... all beginnings are difficult.
Here are six ways to get over the fear of beginnings.
1. Remember that faith is stronger than fear. Ask God for help before you
begin. Ask Him to carry you through and believe that He will.
2. Be grateful for opportunities in your life. Focus on the pleasure and
meaning in this new endeavor.
3. Remind yourself that fear runs away when we run towards it.
4. Know that if it scares you, it has the potential to transform you. We don't
grow in our safety zones. We change when we’re willing to bear the
discomfort of new risks. As Abraham Maslow once said: "You will either
step forward into growth or you will step backward into safety."
5. Begin anywhere. You don't need to have all the answers before you start
something new. Just begin with what you have and where you are.
6. Embrace change. Our lives are not meant to remain the same. Emulate
Abraham, our patriarch, who left his land to embark on a journey whose
destination was unknown.
We are never quite ready to begin. Those first steps require courage and
faith that God will help us across the finish line. It’s up to us to move
forward despite the fear.